Sunday, December 11, 2005

the Numa Numa Dance Phenomenon!!!

thanks for waiting while i finished my Numa Numa Dance phenomenon research... (XP)
and here... i give you the results... ta da da da.... ;P
it seemed... Numa Numa is an Internet phenomenon based on the Moldovain Romanian pop song "Dragostea Din Tei" by O-Zone. Specifically, it refers to a Flash-based video of 19-year-old American Gary Brolsma lip-synching the song energetically on his webcam.... and... Gary Brolsma first published his "Numa Numa Dance" on the Newgrounds site on December 12, 2004. Since then it has popped up on hundreds of other websites and blogs, and he has made appearances on ABC's Good Morning America, NBC's The Tonight Show and VH1's Best Week Ever....
here are a few URL links...
here is the ORIGINAL numa numa dance...
this is thing is so famous... it is even in WIKIPEDIA!...
and this... this is the website where it all started...
it was so popular... there were also "spin-offs", remakes, and "remixes"... these are only some of the few...
the list of numa numa 'remixes' on they are pretty slow to load... just copy the name of the version... and google it to get a faster loading webpage... ;)
and... last but not least... they even have a "American Idle" version for it...

o.. here is the lyrics... for the Romanian version... (yes... there is a English version)... with the english meanings... not the english version lyrics...

haha... tat's all for my Numa Numa Dance report... enjoy the links!...

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